Laboratory of Electron Microscopy

Department of Solid State Physics,
Jozef Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


  1. Research Activity
  2. The Staff
  3. International Co-operation
  4. Recent Publications

1. Research Activity

[Image: SRO-LiEuS1] The laboratory was founded in 1956 and was ever since involved in microstructural and defect studies of anorganic materials by means of TEM and TED. In 1990 an UHV STM (Omicron) was installed and the laboratory got in addition involved with surface physics and nanostructures. The present research activity comprises:

[Image: RT-NbTe4] a) growth, structure and property of quasi one- and two-dimensional transition-metal di-, tri-, and tetra-chalcogenides (e.g. NbSe3 and TaTe4), characterised by a variety of temperature and composition dependent commensurate and incommensurate superstructures, charge-density wave modulation phases and short-range ordering,

b) investigation of nucleation and the initial stages of growth of ultra-thin metallic layers (Ag, Au), prepared by vapour deposition onto different metallic and semiconducting substrates of the layered transition-metal di- and tri-chalcogenides with different topographies (MoTe2, WTe2, NbTe2, NbSe3),

[Image: Ag in Ag2Te/SnTe] [Image: detail]

c) surface modification of the same materials on an atomic scale as a function of the tunneling parameters.

2. The Staff

Dr. Velibor Marinkovic, Prof.
tel: +386 61 1773-552 (office), 1773-900 (switchboard)
fax: +386 61 219-385

Dr. Albert Prodan
tel: +386 61 1773-444 (office), 1773-900 (switchboard)
fax: +386 61 219-385

Mrs. Zora Skraba
tel: +386 61 1773-526 (office), 1773-900 (switchboard)
fax: +386 61 219-385

M.Sc. Student:

Mrs. Nina Ramsak, dipl. ing. phys.
tel: +386 61 1773-444 (office), 1773-900 (switchboard)
fax: +386 61 219-385

Recent Ph.D. Students:

Dr. Saw Wai Hla
current address: SuperESCA Group, Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory,
Padriciano 99, I-34012 Trieste, Italy
tel: +39 40 3758-331 (lab) -692 (office)
fax: +39 40 226-338

Dr. Djordje Mandrino
current address: Department of Surface and Microstructural Research of
Metals, Institute of Metals and Technology
Lepi pot 11, SI -1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel: +386 61 125-1161
fax: +386 61 213-780

Dr. Maja Remskar
current address: Department of Solid State Physics, J. Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
tel: +386 61 1773-728 (office), 1773-900 (switchboard)
fax: +386 61 219-385

Dr. Andrzej Budkowski
current address: Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University,
Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
tel: +48 12 336-377 ext. 550
fax: +48 12 337-086

3. International Co-operation

4. Some Recent Publications

  1. S.W.Hla, V.Marinkovic, A.Prodan, I.Musevic, STM/AFM Investigations of beta-MoTe2, alpha-MoTe2 and WTe2, Surf. Sci., 352-354, 105-111 (1996).
  2. M.Remskar, V.Marinkovic, A.Prodan, Growth and Intercalation of Silver Deposited onto Nb1+xS2, Surf. Sci., 352-354, 1012-1015 (1996).
  3. S.W.Hla, V.Marinkovic, A.Prodan, The Growth of Gold on (001) Surfaces of alpha and beta-MoTe2, Surf. Sci., 356, 130-136 (1996).
  4. A.Prodan, N.Ramsak, V.Marinkovic, S.W.Hla, F.W.Boswell, J.C.Bennett, H.Böhm, STM Evidence of Room-Temperature Charge Instabilities in NbSe3, Phys. Rev. B, 54, 10370-10372 (1996-I).
  5. N.Ramsak, A.Prodan, V.Marinkovic, Growth of Noble Metals on (001) Faces of NbSe3, Surf. Sci., 377-379, 975 (1997).
  6. S.W.Hla, V.Marinkovic, A.Prodan, Nucleation and Growth of Noble Metals on Transition-Metal Ditellurides, Surf. Sci., 277-379, 979 (1997).